In May of 2023, I developed an independent internship with CDT Arts Limited located in Kingston, Jamaica, to perform dance research on the Company's repertoire of 30+ years, as well as to spearhead the development of a digital library database for the Company's personal use and for the continued preservation of Jamaica's rich heritage of dance theatre.

Home page of The Company Dance Theatre Archive
The CDT Archive houses over 1,000 photographs, 200 videos, and a multitude of promotional materials such as programs, videos, and advertisements from the Company's history in honor of The Company Dance Theatre, and Tony Wilson, O.D., Founder and Artistic Director Emeritus' contributions to Jamaican dance history and culture.
The database will be updated as the Company's legacy continues to flourish.

The Company Dance Theatre subpage of The Company Dance Theatre Archive

Calabash (1999) subpage
Developments are underway for a public-facing version of the Company's database to be published under a Creative Commons license for use in arts and educational libraries across Jamaica.
Coming June 2024.

Screen grabs from The Company Dance Theatre Archive