graphic design + INSTALLATION | NOVEMBER 2022

Panels 1 and 2 of YAAD
A combination of live projection, digital media-making, and the destructive forces of time, "YAAD" is a multimedia artwork inspired by Jamaican poet Louise Bennett-Coverley, and her post during the 1960s and beyond as a figurehead of an impenetrable Jamaican nationality. 
The work combines her public facing linguistic and behavioral aesthetic with that of recognizable cultural symbols across worlds and eras, from the Caribbean, to New York City, all the way to the digital sphere. "YAAD" hopes to question our ideas of finality, repair, and restoration when it comes to culture: what visuals remind us of home, and when they are distorted, remixed, or degraded, what newness can emerge from that rubble?
Graphics made with Adobe Photoshop / Projection Mapping done with Isadora

Panel 3 of YAAD

Video animation for YAAD projection

Detail shot of YAAD installation


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